
2024 Events

Click Presenter/Subject for talk Summary/Video.

Jan 9
Officers, Dave Young
Al Hoilman/HHM
Annual Mtg: Election,
 LIFE (Video, Slides) + Chris Kraft  (Video)
Feb 13
Walt Engelund
NASA Space Technology & Missions
(Video, Slides)
Mar 12

Loretta Kelemen

LaRC Facilities: Future Vision &
Journey from early 2000s (Video)
Apr 9
Dave Richwine
Low-Boom X-59 Flight Demo Project (Slides, Video)
May 14

Litton, Hines & Maddock

Enabling Safe Landings on the Moon,
Mars, and Beyond (Video)
Jun 11

LAA Meet & Greet

Tour 2B later

 M&G Pix: 1 2A 3A 4 5 6 7 RS8 RS9

Sorry, I didn’t record M&G/Olaf – next time

Jul 9

LAA Picnic

4-7pm @NASA Langley Cafeteria Sugnup ended
Aug 13
Angela Claud 

Becky Bales

Balance, Stress & Mental Health

Life after LaRC- Master Gardener

Sep 10

Charlie Camarda

Ideas for Future NASA Research (New Book)
Oct 8
Ray Rhew & Tony Pototzky
Life After Langley – World Travel

Ray – Africa, Tony – New Zealand

Nov 12
John Olds photo
NASA LaRC => Commercial Space “NewSpace” Revolution
Dec 10
Holiday Party

Send ideas for 2025 talks to Kathy

2023 Events

Click Presenter/Subject for talk Summary/Video.

Jan 10
Annual Meeting (Elections)
Feb 14
Chuck English
Rebuilding Docent/Volunteer Programs with LAA (Video)
Mar 14
Lisa Ziehmann
Celebrating Women in STEM – Women’s History Month (Video)
Apr 11
Steve Jurczyk
Space Exploration Advances (Video awaits Quantum OK) Pix: 1 2 3 Memorial Service
May 9
Mark Lewis        pic
From Aerospace Planes to Cruise Missiles  – 35-yr Journey at Hypersonic Speeds – Slides (Video)
Jun 13
Chauncey Wu pic
STS-1 Forward RCS Oxidizer Tank FailureAbtract (Video)
Jul 11
LAA Picnic
3-7pm, Eat 5pm, MSL Tours: 3:30 & 4:15
Aug 8
Paul Danehy pic
Project Artemis – Optical & laser-based measurements (Video) 
Sep 12
Dan Palumbo
Not with a Bang –  Abstract & Bio (Slides) (Video)
Oct 10
Paul Dye CBS
Life at Mission Control & since (Video)
Nov 14
David Piatak
Artemis I SLS Buffet & Flight DFI (Video)
Dec 12
Holiday Luncheon
11:30 Harpoon Larry’s


2022 Events

Click Presenter/Subject/Video

Jan 12
Annual Meeting (Elections)
Feb 8
Jim Utterback
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Expansion Project Video
Mar 8
Dan Palumbo
Early Fault Tolerant Flight Control Computers Video
Apr 12
Kevin Rivers
NASA Artemis Missions Video
May 10
Ricky Butler
35 Years of LaRC Formal Methods Research  Video
Jun 14
Dr. Joel Levine
Moon & Mars Dust – Impact on Human Exploration Video
Jul 12

Jul 14

LAA Picnic

Hall of Honor

4-7 PM Corner Bistro, Hampton Golf Club (LAA only) Signup

2PM Induction Ceremony, Reid Center

Aug 9
Dr. Bobby Braun
Planetary Science Plans Video
Sep 13
Geoff Tennille
IT Security Video
Oct 11
Journey of Antcliff (father/son) Entrepreneurs Video
Nov 8
Shane Dover
How NASA adapts to bold missions faster & more affordably Video
Dec 13
Holiday Luncheon


Click Presenter/Subject/Video.

Jan 12
Annual Meeting (Elections)
Feb 9
Steve Miller
Life After Langley: Mid-Career Move Video
Mar 9
Alisha Hamel
Transportation Museum
Apr 13
Dr. Mujeeb Malik
NASA’s CFD Vision 2030 
May 11
Dr. Dilip Sarkar
Best Health Practices, Yoga Video
Jun 8
Dr. Olaf Storaasli

Life After Langley: Supercomputing Research Video
Jul 13
Geoff Tennille
Life After Langley: World travels Video
Aug 10
Mariner’s Museum
Shady Ladies (Pirates)  Photo
Sep 14
Sharing Experiences
Zoom Meeting to Share Experiences Video
Oct 12
Emilie J. Siochi
Realizing Carbon Nanotubes as Structural Materials Video
Nov 9
Alexandra Loubeau
Sonic Booms & Community Testing Video
Dec 14
Holiday Luncheon
Details & Signup Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2020 PROGRAMS  (+Ed’s slides)

Flag Counter

Rick updated 7/8/24