LAA News

Welcome LAA members + new retirees Video

we honor recently-passed Retirees

Your Badge, a privilege NASA issues to Active LAA members

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2024 Events

Oct 8 Life After NASA Africa-Ray* & New Zealand-Tony*

Click Africa-Ray (text) & NZ-Tony (text) above (Red)  to view slides

Sep 10 Charlie Camarda* talk slides Podcasts 2FA 2

July 9 Picnic Attendees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  More

Nov 12 SpaceWorksJohn Olds

Dec 10 Holiday Luncheon (Dec 5 2-4 Director’s Social)

’21 Mariner’s Museum & Holiday Pix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

 Ongoing Activities


Hi everyone,

We have a great volunteer opportunity for you to help the LAA develop an Educational Outreach & Engagement Plan, EOEP.

Our LAA Board recently stood up the Educational Outreach Ad Hoc Committee to develop an EOEP, an opportunity for LAA members to have a positive impact on education & outreach in our community (Bylaws Article II). 

Examples of areas we could address in the Plan include:

·      Increased LAA member collaboration in LaRC Educational Outreach Activities & local schools’ educational outreach activities,

·      LAA presentation of Book Award, signed by LaRC authors, to outstanding students during award ceremonies at Peninsula Schools, 

·      Creation of a Scholarship Fund

If interested, email Lil Richwine @ by Sept. 30th. 


Hall of Honor 2022 induction video 2022 & 2017-19 Classes

Nominate to VAHF here.

NASA Colloquium+Sigma Monthly Webex Lectures

NASA LaRC Events,  Public Cultural ResourcesHealth Benefits.

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