Future Planetary Missions – Bobby Braun
LaRC NACA Room & Zoom NASA Langley Cafeteria, Hampton VAAbstract & Speaker
IT Security – Geoff Tennille
LaRC NACA Room & Zoom NASA Langley Cafeteria, Hampton VABoard Meets after General Meeting (different Zoom Link)
Holiday Luncheon
Chamberlin 2 Fenwick Rd, Ft.Monroe, Hampton, VA, United States11:30 @ Chamberlin Signup
Abstract Bio
Steve Jurczyk: Future Space Missions
Steve envisions multiple Quantum Space (QS) built vehicles to aid the influx of future Moon missions. QS hopes to create a robotic outpost to help communication between regular Earth orbits & the Moon (cislunar space). NASA envisions, LunaNet, an internet-like communications infrastructure less reliant on Earth technologies for navigation, communication & data relays. QS’s robotic outposts may be LunaNet nodes for both orbiting & Lunar spacecraft. (more)
Mark Lewis: Hypersonics – from Aerospace Planes to Cruise Missiles
LaRC NACA Room & Zoom NASA Langley Cafeteria, Hampton VAMark Lewis: From Aerospace Planes to Cruise Missiles - a 35-year journey at Hypersonic speeds -
STS-1 Tank Failure-Chauncey Wu
LaRC NACA Room & Zoom NASA Langley Cafeteria, Hampton VAAbstract
LAA Picnic
Patio NASA Langley Cafeteria, Hampton VA, United StatesJuly 11 LAA Picnic NASA Cafeteria Patio 3-7pm MSL Tours: 3:30, 4:15 Meal: 5 Signup HERE soon - $25 each
Paul Daney: Project Artemis Measurements
LaRC NACA Room & Teams 10 W. Taylor St., Hampton, VA, United StatesClick Join Teams Meeting to view Paul Daney's talk: Project Artemis – Optical & laser-based measurements