HRBT Future

Zoom Meeting

New twin tunnels across Hampton Roads harbor - largest VDOT project ($1B)


Colloquium: “Working at Home” by Prof Bloom

Webex w NASA LaRC

Click this NASA WebEx:

Sigma: Working at Home by Prof. Bloom

Join us on Tuesday, March 1 for the Sigma Talk virtual talk: The Future of Working from Home: What That Means for Jobs and Real Estate  by Professor Nick Bloom. Click Webex:


LAA Meets

NASA Langley Research Center 2 Langley Blvd, Hampton, VA, United States

Ricky Butler: 35 years of Formal Methods Research at NASA Langley (Both in-person @LaRC & via Zoom) Board Meeting follows @1:10pm

LAA General & Board Mtg

11:30-11:45 get acquainted & open discussion
11:45 Business Mtg
Noon Joel's talk


LAA Picnic @The Corner Bistro

4-7 PM @The Corner Bistro 320 Butler Farm Rd Exclusive for LAA - closed to others Details & Signup